Celebra esta fiesta tradicional In ancient time, there was a great poet called Qu Yuan. He couldn't bear the anguish when his motherlaNd was invaded, so he drowned élself in the river. local residents rowed boats to salvage élunNd dropped rice balls into the river to distract the fish's attention from Qu's body. later, people memorialized Qu's patriotism by rowing aNd making Zong Zi on the Dragon Boat Festival, Duan Wu Jie. That's how the tradition of dragon boat racing aNd eating Zong Zi were started. Las tradiciones del Festival del Bote del Dragón son varias, ya que el festival se ha desarrollado durante miles de años. Hoy en día la gente tiene una variedad de otras actividades para celebrar esta fiesta tradicional. 1. Comer Zongzi 2. Carreras de botes dragón 3. Beber vino Realgar 4. Cálamo colgante y ajenjo 5. Usar bolsas de perfume 6. Usar un brazalete de hilo de cinco colores 7. Enrollar y comer huevos